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The Majacraft blending board

We now produce a blending board! Yay!

Blending board with keel
Blending board with keel


The standard information you will firstly be interested in is the cloth. We have used 72 TPI cloth that measures 210mm (8.3″) wide by 300mm long (11.8″). The kit comes with a blending board – of course! It has a removable keel, a brush and a pair of dowels for removing your rolags.

Blending board content
Blending board content


We have included a nice little touch of adding a Majacraft badge to the board. It also has a very nice metal handle that is comfortable to use and attractive. The thing I am most excited about is the way we have attached the cloth. Using special edges, we have a really tidy way of securing the cloth to the board that hides any rough cloth edges or frayed bits that you may have noticed on blending boards. It really does look great and I am very proud of this little trick we have come up.

Blending board detail
Blending board detail


There are two free tutorials that you can download from the Resources area of the web site (these are relevant no matter what blending board you use so you are most welcome to enjoy these). I (Andy) wrote one and we were very lucky to have Woolwench write the second about making rolags. She has same very good information and extra special tips to help make even better rolags.

Blending board page


Using the blending board

Making rolags on the blending board



Until next time


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